Thatweirdowith5coloursin herhair_interactive_ fanfics

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The Easter Bunny can sometimes be a better love finder than Cupid!

McFly fics...

"Oh my God. your not seriously gonna go out in PUBLIC dressed like that are you?" squeled with laughter,clutching her side as she was starting to get a stitch from laughing so much at her friend.
"I have to!I've got no money,i'm scrounging off you and the dudes keep moaning at me because i can't pay them the rent.I don't even have enough money to get you a easter egg and i know how bad that is coz you go skitso without chocolate!" replied,quickly dodging 's hand that was ready to slap him.
"I don't go skitso i just get a little moody.It's cruelty against 's to deprive me of my needs.It's like me taking away your .Ha.Take that bitch!" smiled to herself as she saw 's face crumple up at the thought of never seeing his again.
"I have to go now.Don't wanna be late on the first day of work." tried to smile,but he didn't really pull it off.
"Awww my baby's all grown up.I remember it like it was yesterday.You would sit in that high-chair and cry until i gave you chocolate.You used to do it every easter! ." laughed at her own joke.
"Shut up!"
"I would hug you but i think it would look kinda weird,me hugging you in...that!" couldn't control it and went back to her original position of rolling on the floor,holding onto her side,whilst walked out the house.
***At , , and 's house.***
" Is it really that funny?"
"Yea.I nearly wet myself with laughter,so coz your such a girl i reckon we'll have to buy some nappies on the way!" =P joked to ,whilst taking his hand and pulling him up off the sofa.
"Oi you!" started,but had already run out of the door,and was half way down the road by now.
***In the high street.***
"Woah!Look at that big bunny rabbit.Why do people enjoy embarrassing themselves infront of loads of people.I would never do that for any amount of money." said,quite loudly,looking over at the rabbit,squinting his eyes.
( slapped around the head.)
" you are so thick!That's !That's his job!That's the whole reason why i brought you down here!"
"Oooooooohhhh!I get you now.Hey that is quite funny actually isn't it."The next thing knew, was giggling like a little girl hysterically,and was walking away,chuckling to herself slightly at the irony of 's speech on 'embarrassement' and the state he was in now!

All copyright to Thatweirdowith5coloursinherhair_interactive_fanfics.
I have completly made all these stories up myself,and used my empty head to make this site.No matter how much i wish,i do not know McFly  in real life and everything on this site is completely fictional =(.Oh well i still have my dreams!